Akshitha Kumar
Aug 12, 2023

Akshitha Kumar
Jul 25, 2023
Join me on this journey as I explore the discovery through the ever-evolving world of business. I hope to share my insights on data analysis, economics, and daily news. There will be a touch of my personal life as well. So buckle up, let's dive in, and discover the limitless possibilities of the business field!
Hi Everyone! My name is Akshitha Kumar. I'm a student at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. The business world has always been an interest of mine, and I love exploring the interconnections within it. I'm thrilled to be using this platform as an outlet for my thoughts and knowledge. I hope you all find it valuable too!
Are you looking for a captivating read that brings together economics and real-life stories? "Freakonomics" is your best bet! This exciting book will have you giggling as you learn about the surprising and often counter-intuitive ways that economics plays into our daily lives. You can also check out their movie and podcast. From the economics of crime to the secrets of the real estate market, University of Chicago economist Steven Levitt and New York Times journalist Stephen J. Dubner will leave you amazed and entertained. So, curl up with a cup of tea and get ready to have your mind blown by this quirky and informative read.